November 29, 2010


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November 3, 2010





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September 1, 2010

7 Interview Don'ts -

Posted: March 19, 2010 9:04AM by Michael Deane

The job-hunting process can be difficult and time-consuming, and interviews are the most crucial - not to mention stressful - part of the process. These are some common mistakes that many interviewees make during an interview. Avoiding these behaviors won't necessarily land you the job, but they will put you in the upper class of interviewees. Check out the seven tips below to find out what you should not be doing during and prior to your job interview.

1. Show Up Late and/or Disheveled
This may seem unnecessary to mention, but it's one of the most important parts of the interview process. Showing up late, smelling like smoke, chewing gum or having messy hair/clothes can all give impressions of being disorganized, untrustworthy, irresponsible and incompetent. Just keep in mind that you're not the only person being interviewed, so little things like showing up on time might not have tremendous upside, but showing up late will make you stand out - in a bad way. Show up early to an interview and make sure you look (and smell) the part of the job for which you're interviewing.

2. Leave Your Cell Phone On
This may also seem obvious, but how many times have you been somewhere - at the movies, in a class, at work - and all of a sudden you hear the latest Black Eyed Peas song blaring out of someone's purse. It happens. And just like showing up late or unprepared, it'll be a small thing that says a lot: irresponsible, forgetful, unreliable. At worst it could show that you are not taking the interview seriously and are not that interested in the job. We won't even mention answering a phone call during the interview - hopefully that's too obvious.

3. Show Up Mentally Unprepared
Mental preparation will make a huge difference. One of the most important aspects is to ensure that you do research on the company and position. The last thing you want is to ask basic questions about the organization and your role. As well, you should research interview questions. Even if this is your first job interview, it doesn't have to seem like it. There are a number of sites that list common job interview questions. Think of answers to questions like: Why do you want this job? What value can you add to the company? What are your strongest skills? What are your biggest weaknesses?

Imagine that you are the person doing the hiring and think of what questions you would ask someone. Practicing and thinking about these questions will make you calmer and more confident during the interview. You don't have to have the answers memorized - it helps if you seem like you're thinking of them on the spot - so practicing them with a friend, or even just considering your answers will lead to a smoother interview process.

4. Show Up Physically Unprepared
Physically prepared means showing up with the correct physical objects; bring an extra copy of your CV and reference list; bring a pen and notebook to write down any pertinent information or phone numbers. This also means physically preparing for the interview: shaving, making sure your hair is neat and your clothes are clean and wrinkle free. (You may think you have a strong resume, but if you are including these surprising red-flag items, you may not even make it to an interview.)

5. Be a Wallflower
It's important to be involved and engaged in the interview process, so don't be a passive participant. Speak clearly and with confidence, and if there is a time when you are asked questions, don't ever answer questions with "I don't know." This is especially important when you're asked about your salary expectations. As well, when there is a chance for you to ask questions, don't stay silent; ask at least one question. It's best to come prepared with a question to ask - one that you think will not be answered during the interview process.

6. Get Too Personal
It's best to focus on ways in which you can be professionally helpful to the company. So don't talk about your personal life unless you're specifically asked; focus on measurable and work-related experiences. This is not to say that you should be impersonal - you can be warm and professional without going into details about outstanding debt or personal problems with former coworkers and family. If you decide to talk about personal experiences, make sure they are work appropriate.

7. Oversell
In an interview, it's not just "yes" and "no" questions. They can be open-ended and require anecdotes from past jobs, experiences that have prepared you for the prospective job and how your skills are applicable. It's important to answer the questions succinctly, and to then wait for the next question. If you can think of one strong example to back up a question, use just that one. Talking too much, and giving long and weaker answers are not going to help you - this is another advantage of preparing and practicing for the interview. Overselling can come across as desperate and possibly self-centered. Interviewers are doing a number of interviews, and will appreciate when an interviewee adequately answers the questions without taking all day. (Standing out from the crowd is a must, especially when high unemployment rates make competition fierce.)

The Bottom Line
Take these don'ts as a starting point for the important things to avoid during an interview. Overall, it's best to consider the job you're applying for, and put yourself in the position of the interviewer. Picture a nightmare interviewee and do the opposite.

August 30, 2010


From left to right:

Front Row
Christie Kowalski - Graduate, Carol Denale, RN - Class Room Instructor, Leanne Griffith - Adult Education Supervisor, Veda Yoney - Graduate, Loraine Platko - Graduate

Back Row
Jason Gearhart - Graduate, Melissa Moore, LPN - Clinical Supervisor, Jennifer Pruett - Asst. Administrator of HR, Michael Best - Graduate, Jessica Rocco - Graduate

August 23, 2010

Making Your Cover Letter Sparkle

By BNET Editorial
published on

When applying for jobs, you should always include a cover letter with your résumé. Your cover letter is your first impression, so it needs to be well-crafted. It should briefly but clearly communicate what job you are applying for, what skills qualify you for the position, and why you want to work for the company. The trick is making it interesting to read. If you’re applying for an existing vacancy, briefly describe the position, where you saw it advertised, what qualifies for the job, and why you want to work for that specific company. If you are approaching an agency to register your résumé, describe the type of job you’re looking for, the skills that qualify you for that job, your current salary, and whatever location preferences you may have. There are certain steps you need to follow to write a short, to-the-point email that stands out. People who sound both interesting and interested get noticed. And getting noticed is the first step toward getting interviewed and employed!

What You Need to Know
Do people still use cover letters these days? Job hunting has changed so much over the last few years.

Indeed, the methods used in the hunt for jobs has changed a great deal in years. Without question, the Internet has been the biggest thing to change, and has impacted both employers and job seekers. Jobs are advertised online, applied for online, and even some pre-interview culling is done online. However, nothing has changed the basic premise of the job hunt. Your objective is to make yourself stand out from a competitive throng, and online advertising, e-mail, and Internet search engines are merely new tools for an old process. And whether you send your cover letters by e-mail or the old-fashioned way, they are still your first chance to impress your reader. A cover letter is your chance to put a personal touch on your application, which may not come across in a résumé or application form. It is here that you can show how you write, how your view yourself,
and what you understand about the position and company you are applying to. As you write, think about the tone you are setting, the words you are using to describe yourself and your qualifications. Remember to include the results of any research you have done into the company or field of work you’re interested in.

What is the right length for a cover letter?

The best cover letters make a powerful impact while at the same time being short and to the point, two or three paragraphs at most. In fact, an overly long letter will likely bore or frustrate your reader.

What to Do
Be Clear About Your Objectives

Your cover letter is your first chance to stand out from the crowd. It must grab the reader’s attention, making the recruiter or manager want to read your résumé and meet you. Start by addressing your letter to the right person. Using salutations such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern” is a red flag to recruiters, showing them that you have not done your homework. Such letters are often simply discarded. Finding out the name of the individual you need to address your letter to can be as simple as calling the company. Failing that, look it up on the Internet or at a reference library. Another good place to look is the company’s catalog or annual report. Although perhaps the most typical reason for writing a cover letter and sending a résumé is to respond to an advertisement, there are a number of other, slightly different, purposes for a cover letter.
• If you want to inquire with a company about job openings you can send a cover letter to ask who to send your résumé to.
• After visiting an organization in person to fill out a job application, you can use a cover letter to follow up.
• When applying for a position online via an agency, you may be asked to provide only your résumé and your contact details, but some agencies ask for a brief supporting statement to accompany your résumé. When responding to an advertised job vacancy, a cover letter is the place to provide details requested in the advertisement, but which do not fit into a résumé format, such as:
• current salary;
• desired future salary;
• notice period;
• preferences for geographical location;
• dates you may be available for interview (you may want to include these if you are about to go on vacation).

Starting the Letter

Start by explaining the reason you are writing. If you are applying for an existing vacancy, begin your letter by describing the position in question, and that you are interested in it. For example:
• I am writing to express interest in the Senior Designer position advertised in the June 3 Times
If you have received a recommendation from someone within, or known to, the company, begin your letter with a sentence like this:
• I have been given your name by Ms Annette Rastelli regarding the vacancy in your Credit Control Department.
Express Your Interest in the Job
The value of expressing your interest in the job cannot be underestimated. Before you begin writing, you need to do whatever research necessary to be sure you understand what the company does and what its goals are. Search on the Web, including the company’s own Web site if it has one, for any recent news articles. Read the company’s press releases, read business newspapers, read trade magazines. You should know what trends and issues the company faces. Utilize the resources of your local library. Take notes and make Photocopies of what you read if you cannot keep the article itself, and file them with anything relevant to your application with this company. Once you have completed your research, make sure it shows in your cover letter. Use descriptive terms to demonstrate your enthusiasm. Show that you thoroughly understand the job advertisement by matching the language used there. For example, if the job description mentions “superior communication skills,” work that phrase into your writing. It is important to include all the information requested in the advertisement. If the recruiters want to know your current salary and notice period, make sure you’ve mentioned them.

Describe Why You are the Best Candidate

Early in the letter lay out your qualifications for the job, using strong descriptive language to grab the interest of the recruiter or personnel officer. Explaining how you can help the organization achieve its goals shows that you have done your homework, that you know what your role with the company can be, and that you are genuinely interested in the position and the company. For example:
• I understand that your company is planning on creating a Web presence to support your sales.
In my current position as Senior Web Designer for Athena’s Sportswear, an online women’s
sportswear retailer, I have worked with our team to increase our market share by 13% in the past year. The best cover letters describe how you and you alone can help the company successfully manage the challenges it faces.

Request the Interview

Although you might feel uncomfortable asking for an interview, preferring to let the company contact you, taking a more proactive approach makes a stronger impact. Asking for an interview can be as simple as writing something like “I look forward to the Opportunity to discuss how my background and experience can contribute to the success of your organization.” You could also write that you will be in their area on a particular date and would be available for an interview.

Remember the Basics

Now that you have completed your planning and research, put the pieces together into a powerful whole.
• Be yourself. Your résumé is a somewhat bare bones list of your experiences and skills, but your cover letter is a chance to express your personality, perhaps even a little flair so that you stand out from the crowd of other applicants. Maintain a professional tone, but share your enthusiasm and your interest in the position.
• A cover letter that does not look professional will not get past the first review. Formatting and typeface should follow standard guidelines, and there is no excuse for errors in grammar or spelling. Read it carefully before you send it off and have a friend do the same. Do not rely on just your computer spellchecker!
• Most cover letters and résumés are submitted by e-mail these days, but if you are submitting by mail, use high quality résumé paper.
• Use a large envelope to mail the cover letter and résumé, to avoid folding them. Consider sending two copies in case the recruiter needs to show your letter and résumé to different people.
• When e-mailing, do not hit the send button until you check that your files are attached! In the body of your message, specify what type of file you have attached. Be prepared to send it in another format if they are unable to open it.

What to Avoid

You Use a Cover Letter Template Reviewing the sample cover letters in business reference works can guide you on formatting, typeface, tone, and what to include for different kinds of letters. Do not make the mistake of copying these samples word for word. Remember that recruiters, managers, and interviewers read many, many cover letters. They will have heard the clichés and hackneyed phrases. Personalize each of your cover letters and target them to a specific position. Do your best to convey your own uniqueness. Some may try to use a template, “customizing” it with a few phrases and the correct recipient’s name This method is not likely to fool anyone. You Recycle the Same Cover Letter Taking the time to write a personal cover letter targeted to a particular company will show that you really want to work for that company. Also, when you recycle the same cover letter over and over again, you run the risk of making mistakes, such as inadvertently mentioning the wrong company in the body of your letter. Tailoring your letter to the company you’re applying to may be more time-consuming, but your cover letter is your one chance to impress your reader that you are the best person for the job.

Where to Learn More

Bolles, Richard. What Color is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and
Career-Changers. Revised ed. Ten Speed Press, 2007.

July 21, 2010



June 22, 2010


  • 14 – Day, fast-paced course
  • Learn the skills necessary to take National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam
  • After passing the exam, you will be on the Pennsylvania Nurse Aide Registry and may apply to work in many different settings
  • Classes are held at the Quest Building (beside the William Penn Care Center) in Penn Township
  • Call for complete details and start dates
  • Due to the short-term training, this program is NOT FAFSA eligible

April 21, 2010


If you're busier than you like to be, but feeling less  productive, then read on.

I have a question for you? How busy are you these days? Now, here's another question: How productive are you? As most of us know, the two just aren't the same. All too often, being busy may have nothing at all to do with the results we get and what we achieve. SPIN

We spend our days, often very long days, in a flurry of activity. But, when the day or week is over, we're disappointed at the level of our accomplishment. Our disappointment creates stress and we push ourselves even harder to "get more done." But pushing hard isn't the answer.

What is? Well, in my experience, a sense of priorities based on a clear purpose and well-defined short- and long-term goals are what one needs. The world is full of individuals who are definitely in motion, but they're not exactly sure where they're going and they don't know why, either. Maybe they get going so fast that they never take the time to figure it out. If that is your situation, I strongly urge you to set aside some time for personal reflection, some personal values clarification and goal-setting.

There's nothing like a strong sense of purpose, based on clearly spelled out values, to keep you moving. But more than that, it keeps you moving in the right direction. Without it, you can climb the ladder of success all right, but when you get to the top, you may find that it's leaning against the wrong building!

Excerpts from - Best Practices Forums -> Winner's Circle with Lou Tice  - Monday, April 19, 2010

February 17, 2010


So far, you have your list of wants, balanced in the different areas of your life.  You have checked them against your values, and each supports the other.  Now, how do we turn those “wants” into meaningful and achievable goals?

Today, take one of your Balance Wheel sections. One that is always important to me is Family. So, one of my goals is to spend time with each member of my family, and for them to know that I am always available.

Now, it is important to understand the difference between "want to" and "do." "Wants" set up the "do's" in your life, and your goals will need to be written to reflect the "do." So, when my goal is to spend time with each child, I write the goal like this: "I spend quality time with each of my children. They all know how important they are to me."

Suppose that you are a single mother, trying to balance work and home and family. It is a difficult road to travel, one filled with many choices. You want to spend as much time with your family, but you have to work. Guilt kicks in as you attempt to do it all. Now, thinking of work as a "have to" causes additional stress, which can shadow your work and home time. To remove the "have to" from work would help a lot, so your goal would be written as, "I love the work I do, because it affords me what I need to spend time with my kids."

One final tip: When you write out your "wants" and goals, make sure you write them in the present tense - the future as now. Take out the "going to" and replace it with "I am." You are seeing your future as if it has already happened.

Take each of your Balance Wheel "wants" and turn them into goals for the future, written in the present tense.

You have come a long way in the last few days, and have started on the path to a successful 2010!

Excerpts from - Best Practices Forums -> Winner's Circle with Lou Tice  - Tuesday, January 26, 2010

February 8, 2010


Now that you have your list of “wants” or “goals” in your different areas, it’s time to check and see how they fit together.  Let’s talk about goal setting for a well-balanced life.woman -achieving -balance

When you think about growing as a person, there are many distinct areas you can consider.  Do you want to grow as a spouse or parent, in your social relationships, in your job or career?  What about your physical and mental health, your intellectual pursuits, your spiritual life?  You can also grow in the things you do for fun or in your involvement with your community.

Have you ever known anyone who puts so much energy into growth in one or two areas that they ignore or neglect the others?  This is what you want to avoid.  A good way to stay both one track and in balance is to write out goals for every distinct area in your life. While you are at it, check to be sure that your goals fit together in a consistent manner.

For example, you have a goal to become a better father,  However, if your career and personal goals take you away from home a great deal, or leave you too preoccupied to function well when you are at home, you might want to take another look at your priorities and adjust your balance. 

This is a good way to help you clarify your values too.  Make a list of your values and match them to you list of goals.  Do they match or is there unbalance?  What is most important to your life?  Why?  Is that where most of your time, energy, and attention are going?  Do you feel that your goals are helping you become a well-balanced person? 

In the next blog, we will discuss turning your wants into goals.

Excerpts from - Best Practices Forums -> Winner's Circle with Lou Tice  - Friday, January 25, 2010

February 3, 2010


Today, we need to organize your “wants”.  One tool you can use is a “Balance Wheel”.   Draw a circle and then divide it into segments.  The number of segments depends on the number of “wants” you came up with from my last blog.  Label each section. 

Next, starting from the center, with the number 1, run a gauge out to 10 at the outer circle.  With each section decide how satisfied you are with that particular area of your life.  Circle that number.  This will give you a good idea of what areas of your life you might want to work on in order to have a well-balanced life.

Balance Wheel 

Now, each of these sections can have a Balance Wheel of it’s own as you delve deeper into the different aspects of what you want in each area of your life.

Balance Wheel Financial

You may already begin to notice that some areas of your life are not in too bad of shape while others need a lot of attention. 

The next blog will take a look at creating balance in your approach to achieving your goals.

Excerpts from - Best Practices Forums -> Winner's Circle with Lou Tice - January 22,2010.

February 1, 2010


Here is one question VERY IMPORTANT that begins to surface for many of us as we find ourselves at the beginning of a new year or facing a major change in our life's path: “WHAT DO I WANT?”

If you follow your current direction, or continue to do what you have always done, where will you be in a year?  In five years?  In ten?  Is that where you really want to be?  BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF.

Some on once said that the best way to predict the future is to get a very clear idea of what is happening now.

Once you have honestly figured out where you are going, it’s time to decide if this is what you “want”.  Let’s face it, sometimes life gets in the way, and we loose contact with those things that we know will fulfill us.  I am not talking about material things hers, but letting loose of those talents and abilities that have been locked up inside us.  

So, when you have a few moments of quiet, let your mind “out for a walk” and spend some time thinkingveruca_salt about what it is that you REALLY WANT – want to have, want to be, want to do.  Put no restrictions on your musings, just let your mind wonder and WRITE DOWN what your are thinking about.  The next blog will talk about the process of discovering, “WHAT DO I WANT?”

Excerpts from - Best Practices Forums -> Winner's Circle with Lou Tice Success and Failure by Lou Tice - January 18, 2010

January 25, 2010


We all know that people can be afraid of failure, but did  you know that many people are afraid of success?
No one likes to fail. But some folks are so focused on the possibility of failure that they become over-anxious and unable to perform. Their fear of failure actually creates failure.
There are people who manage to sabotage their own efforts, often unconsciously, not because they are afraid of failure, but because they are afraid of success.
You see, we all carry around a mental picture of ourselves, and if success is not a part of that picture, we are in trouble. While a part of us wants success and all that goes with it, another part is silently saying, "That is not like me. I am not comfortable with this kind of responsibility," or something along those lines.
We may be perfectly capable of success in other ways, and we may have all the necessary skills and abilities. But it is like growing a pumpkin inside a jug. You can slip a flowering pumpkin vine inside a jug, and the pumpkin will grow to be jug-shaped. Later, you break the glass and you have a jug-shaped pumpkin.
You see, your picture of yourself, your self-concept, is like the glass jug. It tells you where your limits are. Techniques like affirmation and visualization are used to help when you want to get a bigger jug or, in other words, when you want to comfortably stretch your idea of who you are and what you are capable of.
With practice, you can get to the place where neither failure nor success will upset you.
Excerpts from - Best Practices Forums -> Winner's Circle with Lou Tice  - Friday, January 15, 2010

January 20, 2010


Power Words for Resumes -- powered by

January 4, 2010


promotion Finding a job is a great accomplishment and you can feel that you’re on top of the world.  Unfortunately, however, it isn’t unusual for people to be laid off from jobs they just got a few months before.  Please, don’t sit around worrying about whether today will be your last day at your new job.  Take action now to make yourself promotable, rather than dispensable.


One of the best ways to not only hang onto your new job, but to make yourself promotable into a better one is to learn about more than one area of the business.  This is easier done in smaller companies, but it can be done with a little extra effort in large corporations as well.  Let’s suppose you are working in the finance department but are also interested in marketing.  The first step is to try to meet your coworkers.  There is bound to be someone who can introduce you to someone in that department.  Don’t discount the value of the secretaries and receptionists – they often have their fingers on the pulse of their departments better than their managers do.

Next, talk to them about what they do, what their department does, and what kinds of opportunities they might have for you to become involved with their work.  You may be able to participate on a project that involves both your current department and the marketing department also.  Or ask if marketing has a use for a part-time intern or after-hours worker. 

Once you find an opportunity in the other department, as your boss about the possibility of becoming involved in it – getting assigned to the cross department project team or spending one day or half-day per week in the other department, or even one whole week per month.

Don’t try to force your boss into agreeing, but try to demonstrate how you will be more valuable to the company once you learn about the various other departments and can contribute to them.


Never underestimate the value of good writing and presentation skills.  They can carry you a long way in your career.

If you practice presentation skills, volunteer to make project or department presentations or even take a night class in public speaking. 

It may seem intimidating at first, but once you get reasonably comfortable making presentations and writing, those skills could potentially save your job somewhere down the road.


When on the job, always look for ways of researching then distributing valuable information offering solutions to problems, and providing ideas.


Technical as well as communications skills must be constantly updated and improved in order to keep yourself marketable and promotable.  If you ever start feeling like you’ve learned all you need to know to succeed in your job, a warning flag should go up – get out there and upgrade your skills before it is too late.

This could mean taking a night class (see if your employer will pay for it) or self-study course (try the library or internet for the resources), do volunteer work which challenges you in an area where your skills are weak, or volunteer for projects at work where you can learn or improve a valued skill.


Keep your eyes and ears open for clues as to how the employers are expecting you to act at your office.  Follow it to a “T”.  If you rub someone the wrong way, you lessen your chances of being picked for promotion. 


With so many companies going global these days, becoming comfortable in at least one language other than English can open doors of opportunity for you.


The greater number of people who know about you and your capabilities, the better opportunity you have to get the assignments, promotions, and new jobs that you want.  By volunteering with your professional association, for instance, you can demonstrate to future potential employers your skills and commitment to your field.

Don’t leave any source of contact untouched – professional associations, volunteer work, the company lunch room, your parents’ friends, your friends parents, school alumni, etc. 

(Excerpts of information came from the “Dose of Reality” Series.)

December 28, 2009


For those of you still pondering what you will do with "the rest of your life," one of the most beneficial things you could do with your time is exploring career options.  Books, magazines, and trade journals can help somewhat in giving you a bit of the "flavor" of what different industries and jobs are like, but the best way to get the inside scoop in the types of jobs you may like is by actually experiencing them in one way or another.

Of course, internships, volunteer work, and co-op jobs get you right into the nitty-gritty of the job, but they take a little bit of time - which you may or may not have at the moment.  The next best way to learn about a job is by talking to the people who perform it every day.

Information-only interviews are initiated and controlled by you.  You ask the questions; the type of work the employee does, the company itself, the industry in general, whatever interests you about the particular job or field. 

First, think about the type of work that you would like to do.  If you really have no idea what you would like to do, get some books from the library or book store on this subject.  What Color Is Your Parachute? (by Bolles) and Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow. (by Sinetar) are two good examples.  Also, talk to a Career Counselor at the PA CareerLink.  Discuss your interests and skills that you already have.  They will suggest you take an assessment called the SAGE (System for Assessment Group Evaluation).  The SAGE will take into consideration your cognitive abilities, vocational interests, and vocational apitudes to give you some employment suggestion you probably haven't thought of.  Best of all . . . it's free.

Next, use the internet, library, or someone you know, to find all the information you can on your selected jobs, companies, or industries.  The more you know, the better focused you can be when making your questions during the information-only interviews.
With information-only interviewing, there is no limit on the number of types of careers you can explore.  If you have time, there are interviews to be had.

Once you have decided on a particular area to explore, your need to identify the specific person or people you want to take to.  To identify the people, you may need to call the main phone number at a company to find out the name of the manager of the department you are interested in.  The professional association responsible for your area of interest may also be able to help you located people to talk to - or they may even have a list available of people willing to talk to students.

Once you have identified whom you would like to talk to, you need to ask them for an interview.  Call the person, explain the reason for the call, (that you want to explore different career possibilities by speaking with people about what they do in their jobs) and ask if they would grant you a brief information-only interview.

Many people will not grant interviews because they may have previously granted an "information-only" interview to someone who came in and pushed for a job.  Make it very clear that you are not looking for a job, just information, and that you would appreciate them taking the time to share their views of their field.

Ensure the manager, also, that the interview will take less than twenty minutes.  Don't ask for an hour or even a half-hour or their time - they are busy people.  If you and the manager hit it off during the interview, it may run longer, but leave that up to them - don't try to force it on them.

Just because this is an information-only interview, don't feel that you don't need to prepare for it.  You should know everything you can about the company, the industry and current trends, and the job itself.

Think about what you want to find out and write down the question you want to ask so you won't forget any. 

Dress for the interview just as you would for a real job interview.  You're not asking for a job, but look and act professionally; you might make an impression that could get you a job there someday.

Some questions you might want to ask include:
  1. What is your educational and career background?
  2. How did you get interested in and involved in this line of work? 
  3. How did you conduct your job search?
  4. What do you like most and least about your job or field?
  5. What is the employment outlook for your field?
  6. How do you keep up with the changes and trends in the field?
  7. What are the most important issues affecting the industry or your company?
Most people are flattered that you're interested in their job and respect their opinion.  Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions - just remember your time limit and don't get too personal.

Although the interview is not for a job, if you demonstrate a sincere interest, have obviously done your homework and have some skills that could be used in the job, don't be surprised if they show an interest in you.  Don't ask for a job during the interview, but if you think you might like to work there, ask if you could apply later for a job and who to contact at that time.  Always follow up with a not thanking them for their time.

Put them on your list of network contacts and keep in touch with them.

December 23, 2009


Although networking is the best way to find the job you want, a strong resume is a must if you want to get one of the really plum jobs.  When you aren’t there to “WOW” you potential employers with your accomplishments and terrific attitude, your résumé has to do the talking for you.
Employers are usually not looking at your academic record to see if you “fit” the job they have open.  “Book learning” is not as valuable to most employers as your experience, accomplishments, and attitude toward work.  Yes, they will look at this if it is criteria for the position, but experience, accomplishments, and attitude weigh more heavily. If you have these attributes AND have recently updated your “book learning”, you will have a definite “leg-up” on the other applicants.
To make your resume appear stronger than your peers’, highlight your accomplishments.  Statements like “Participated in Girl Scout cookie fundraiser” is not as impressive compared to “Had the highest sales nationally for the Girl Scouts cookie fundraiser” or “Managed twelve volunteer salespeople to the highest regional cookie sales”.  This demonstrates your ability to get quality work done – and that’s what every company wants it's employees to do.
Use numbers wherever possible to demonstrate accomplishments, such as “Supervised 7 part-time workers or volunteers,” “Increased productivity by 29%,” or “Gave presentations at six regional conferences.”
Be sure to include special school projects, research, internships, and volunteer work.  Mention company, organization, or individual names that are impressive which are also related to the work you did.
SHOW STABILITY - Another thing that employers are concerned about is your stability.  When coming right out of school, it may be difficult to demonstrate this.  Put on your thinking cap.
Have you volunteered on a regular basis at the local hospital?  Have you been a library assistant or a club officer?  Have you held a part-time job while attending school?  Employers realize that most people don’t have full-time employment when going to school, but will value the work ethic.
ACCOUNT FOR ALL TIME PERIODS - Along the same lines as stability, employers want to see that you have not had any time gaps unaccounted for on your resume.  If you spent a summer traveling in Europe, say so.  Foreign experience is valuable to a global company – especially if you understand local customs – and it explains why you don’t have a job listed.
Attending school either full- or part-time, volunteering for a full-time project, travelling, caring for a sick family member, conducting research for a personal project . . . all are legitimate ways to spend your time.  Don’t be afraid to say so on your resume.
SUMMARIZE YOUR VALUES - Many books and counselors still recommend that a Job Objective appear at the top of every resume.  The objective states what type of job the applicant is looking for.  Think about this.  Some busy managers will only read the first section of the resume, the objective, and if it doesn’t match the job that they have available, will toss your resume to the side.  They many never find out that you actually have every quality and skill they are looking for.
To give yourself a fighting chance when that busy manager picks up your resume, you quickly sum up your most valuable accomplishments, skills and experiences in a Professional Summary statement. It should be no more than about three sentences, but should mention things like, “Excels in data analysis”, “Proven sales ability”, “Detail oriented in reports and presentations”, etc. – whatever is applicable.
INCLUDE ALL LANGUAGE SKILLS - With more companies going global these days, any language skills you have can be very valuable.  Indicate whether or not you can read, speak, write, and/or translate.  You don’t have to be able to do everything to be an asset to the company.
ARE YOU A TEAM PLAYER? – Demonstrate your teamwork abilities by indicating your participation on special projects.  If you were an officer for a club, team leader, headed or participated on a work project, that should be prominent in your Summary.
Teaching, tutoring, mentoring, lab assistance, research assistance, etc., can be valuable as well.  Since office technology and business procedures/techniques change quickly, having someone in the company who is able to communicate these things to others is an asset. 
This by no means is a complete guide to resume writing, it is only meant to show ways to make your current resume stronger.
(Excerpts of information came from the “Dose of Reality” Series.)

December 7, 2009





Identify What Your Internship Needs Are


  • Do you want to explore different industries?
  • What size company do you want to work for?
  • What, specifically, do you want to learn from your internship?
  • Do you have to earn some money during your internship or can you afford to do it unpaid?  Unpaid internships increase your opportunities.




Identify What You Have to Offer


  • What are your strongest skills?
  • Do you already have some experience in a related position?
  • What skills can be transferred to the professional work environment?  Volunteer work, clubs, etc.




Find or Create An Internship

  • Research opportunities through your CareerLink, school, friends, previous employers, etc. – everyone you have contact with.
  • Or create an opportunity by writing to a company that you want to work with and offer your services; do they have a volunteer department?




Get Commitment and Make Final Arrangements

  • Put all details – hours, responsibilities, pay (if any) – in writing to the sponsoring company.
  • If you are interviewed, take note of what employees wear – you will want to look like them.




Prepare for Your First Day

  • Assemble at least three outfits that are as similar as possible to what employees wear, so you won’t look like a temporary intern.
  • Have extra copies of your resume.
  • Scope out alternate routes to the office in case of traffic tie-ups.
  • Get a notepad and pen to carry around with you.
  • Double check that you have done all that is necessary to begin your internship; vaccines, criminal background checks, etc.




Your First Day

  • Get up early, with plenty of time to prepare.
  • Leave home extra early – better to arrive early and walk around the block than to arrive late.
  • Be ready to jump in and start working right from the beginning.




Make an Impression

  • Never arrive late, leave early, or take all the allotted time for lunch.
  • Dress and act like a paid employee, even if you are unpaid.
  • Keep your notepad and pen with you at all times to take notes of people’s names and titles,  list of the duties your assigned, deadlines your given, etc.
  • Offer your opinions only when asked, but offer solutions and useful information when appropriate.
  • Put forth your best effort in everything you’re asked to do, not matter how trivial the task may seem to you.
  • Never hand in the first draft of any written work – put tremendous energy into accuracy, thoroughness, attention to detail, especially grammar and spelling.
  • If you’re not very busy ask for more work – but take only as much as you can do at a high level of quality.




Make the Most of the Experience

  • Try to meet as many people as possible without detracting from your assigned duties.
  • If your given duties unrelated to what you thought your were there to learn, talk to your supervisor – this is why duties should be spelled out in writing beforehand.
  • Ask a lot of questions about the company, the industry, the various types of jobs available in the company, the most valued skills.
  • Observe office “politics.”  The receptionist is often the most valuable person to know.  See if you spot any unusual efforts to avoid people or topics of discussion that may clue you in to potential problems in the office.




When It’s All Over

  • Thank everyone who helped you in anyway (including secretaries) both in person and in writing at the end of your internship.
  • Update your resume with this new experience.  Highlight your accomplishments, not just the skills you utilized or learned.
  • add the people you met to you list of network contacts.  Plan to keep in touch with them.

(This information came from the “Dose of Reality” series.)

November 16, 2009


     Magic 8 Ball

Ask anyone who has been on his or her own for a few years—“Have you ever regretted any decisions you’ve ever made in your life?”  Most likely, you’ll get a big chuckle and a resounding, ”Yes!”.

     Everyone has made “dumb decisions” in their life.  Some don’t result in much consequence.  Others have a major and lasting impact on their lives—they can cause pain for years, or even decades to come. 

     We want you to avoid making these “dumb decisions” and make all the right choices for your life so you can accomplish and become all you want.

     The process we’re about to describe sounds pretty easy on the surface.  It’s incorporating it into your everyday life and never wavering from it that’s the difficult part—but it can be done!


1.  The first step toward making all the “right” decisions is to set goals for yourself—short-, mid-, and long-term goals for your career finances, relationships, even physical and spiritual health.

     You will write down all your goals.  Put them on 3” x 5” cards or some other handy-sized paper because you will be referring to them often.

     You may want to make two copies:  one to keep with you at all times (in your wallet or purse) and another set to hang up where you can readily see them (like on a bulletin board or beside your bathroom mirror so you are forced to review them every day).


2.  Once you have your goals for yourself written down, you will need to refer to them every time you are faced with a decision—choosing a career, finding a job, deciding where to live, which big purchases you can make (car, furniture, wardrobe), whether to change jobs or marry, whether or not to relocate to a new part of the country, and so on and so on and so on . . .

     When faced with one of these decisions, don’t panic and don’t feel that you need to make an immediate decision.  Spur-of-the-moment decisions are usually the worst, and you can end up paying for them for a long, long time.

3.  Sit down with a pad of paper and your list of goals (short-, mid-, and long-term ones).  On a sheet of paper, write the costs of each alternative to the decision.  Costs include more than money—opportunity costs come into play with every decision.  An opportunity cost is a lost opportunity because you have chosen to do something else.  For instance, if you only have $5 and you decide to spend it on fast food, an opportunity cost could be that you will not be able buy the loaf of bread, peanut butter or jelly that you need to make next weeks lunches for the kids.  Or if you take one job, you can’t take another.

4.  Try to determine what the consequences of each alternative might be.  In some rare circumstances you may find that a choice which does not fit in with your goals must be made because the consequences of making a different choice are too great to bear.  This is not likely to happen to you often—maybe never—so don’t let it worry you when weighing your important decisions.

5.  Next, write down the pros and cons of the decision.  For instance, what are the positive results that you are likely to experience if you decide to take a particular job or move to another state.  What is the downside to each alternative.

6.  Weigh each of these pros and cons.  If the positive aspects of the decision are in areas that are much more important to you (such as enjoying the work you do) than the downside elements (such as odd work hours), then the table is tilting toward making a positive decision.  But you’re not finished yet!

7.  Now you must look at your goals and determine if this opportunity or decision will get you closer to any of them.  If taking a job offer in computer sales will get you closer to your goal of someday managing a software development team, then great.  If it doesn’t, you will be holding yourself back from accomplishing that career goal if you take the sales job.  

     The same holds true for every decision you have to make—whether it has to do with your career, finances, or personal life.  Look at where your choice fits in with your goals.  If your decision won’t get you closer to any of your goals, it will be a waste of your time, energy, perhaps money to pursue it.  The decision will probably prevent you from accomplishing what you have set your heart on.

     If you use this method to make every decision you face, you will be far ahead of your peers in accomplishing what you want.

     As much as each of us would like to think that if we approach decisions making properly, we would make all the “right” decisions all of the time; this is not true.  You probably won’t sail through life with “no regrets at all”.  Often there are costs, consequences, or other alternatives that we are not aware of when we make our decisions.  That is the reason why some time and effort should be put in to determine the costs, consequences, and other alternatives.  Just going by a “gut feeling” will get you in trouble more times than not.

(This information came from the “Dose of Reality” series.)

November 10, 2009


clock      We all have the same number of hours each day to get things done, but it seems that some people are so much more productive than others are.  It’s all a matter of setting priorities, being disciplined, and keeping organized.

     There are two things that are absolutely essential for successful time management (which means accomplishing everything you want to do).  They are goals and a tool.



     If you do not have goals, you do not know where you are headed in life (or your career), so it is virtually impossible to successfully manage your time and accomplish what you want.  So the first step is to determine what you want out of life (career, finances, lifestyle, etc.)



     As tools go, we recommend that you get a Day Planner.  It is the calendar / scheduling book that thousands of business people use – it comes in a variety of sizes and page formats to fit your individual style. Once you get used to using a Day Planner, your won’t know you lived without one!

     Other calendar / organizer books are available at office supply, luggage and department stores.  Take the time to look at them all and choose one that you can work with comfortably. 



     The first thing to do when you decide that’s it’s time to start managing your day better, is to record everything you do (and for how long) for an entire week.  It’s a tedious task, but will be well worth the effort. 

     Record the time you get up in the morning, how long you spend in the shower, eating breakfast, reading the paper, getting dressed, and so on throughout your day, including time spent on commuting, talking on the telephone with friends, reading magazines (note whether they were career or for entertainment), and watching television.



     At the end of that week, look over your activity log.  Most people are quite surprised when they add up how much time they spent on the phone, in front of the television or preparing for work in the morning.  These are the easiest places to cut out wasted time and should be the first that you tackle.

     Before you do tackle your time wasters, though, add up the amount of time spent on activities that help put you closer to any one of your goals (career, personal, or financial).  If it’s less than 50% of your waking hours, you have a lot of adjusting to do. 



     Now, begin adjusting your use of time to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself.  At the beginning of each week, write down the major tasks (not each nitty-gritty detail) that you want to accomplish during the coming week. List them in priority order, most important at the top.



     Things that fit either of these criteria: directly relate to accomplishing one of you top priority life or career goals; or, if not done, will result in a loss of a job, future career opportunities, or financial status (small amounts of financial loss are OK; it’s when something can cause you to miss loan or rent payments that you should worry).

     Most people end up not accomplishing their goals because they spend too much of their time completing seemingly “urgent” tasks which are not really important.  Don’t confuse urgency with importance.  Some important tasks will also be urgent—by all means, do those first.  But if a task seems urgent, but does not fit the definition of important, it can probably be left undone temporarily (or sometimes permanently) and you won’t suffer any consequences.  If you can master this distinction, you’re on your way to accomplish whatever you set out to do with your life because you’ll be making every minute count.



     Normally the first activity to accommodate more important things is television watching.  Even if particular shows will help you accomplish your goals, chances are you have a VCR and can record the show for viewing at a more convenient time (and in less time).



     The next thing most people adjust is their sleeping schedule.  Most of us can do quite well on less sleep than we are currently getting.  Don’t try to make a sudden change, or you’ll doom yourself to failure in this area.

     Try to get up 15 minutes earlier for a few days, then 30 minutes.  Adjust your bedtime the same way until you come up with a schedule you can live with and which provides you more productive, waking time to accomplish your goals.  Many people find that housework and laundry are perfect tasks for the early morning –getting them “out of the way” when little brainpower is available.



     Save time, also by being efficient.  Bunch your driving-around errands all into one trip, and don’t go during rush hour traffic.  Any time you find yourself with even a few minutes on your hands, fill the time with reviewing your goals and determining what you can do now to move closer to them.

(This information came from the “Dose of Reality” series.)

November 6, 2009

Anonymous Said . . .

Congratulations goes to Jamie! 

As one of your medical coding billing instructors I knew YOU could do it! Keep up the good work!

Anoymous Said . . .

Congratulations Jamie!!!!

-From MCB Term 1's

October 28, 2009


You can find ads like this everywhere — from the street light and telephone pole on your corner to your newspaper and PC. While you may find these ads appealing, especially if you can’t work outside your home, proceed with caution.  Not all work-at-home opportunities deliver on their promises.

Many ads omit the fact that you may have to work many hours without pay. Or they don’t disclose all the costs you will have to pay. Countless work-at-home schemes require you to spend your own money to place newspaper ads; make photocopies; or buy the envelopes, paper, stamps, and other supplies or equipment you need to do the job. The companies sponsoring the ads also may demand that you pay for instructions or “tutorial” software. Consumers deceived by these ads have lost thousands of dollars, in addition to their time and energy.

Classic Work-at-Home Schemes:
● Medical billing. Ads for pre-packaged businesses — known as billing centers — are in newspapers, on television and on the Internet. If you respond, you’ll get a sales pitch that may sound something like this: There’s “a crisis” in the health care system, due partly to the overwhelming task of processing paper claims. The solution is electronic claim processing. 

The promoter also may tell you that many doctors who process claims electronically want to “outsource” or contract out their billing services to save money. Promoters will promise that you can earn a substantial income working full or part time, providing services like billing, accounts receivable, electronic insurance claim processing and practice management to doctors and dentists.

They also may assure you that no experience is required, that they will provide clients eager to buy your services or that their qualified salespeople will find clients for you.  The reality: you will have to sell. These promoters rarely provide experienced sales staff or contacts within the medical community.

The promoter will follow up by sending you materials that typically include a brochure, application, sample diskettes, a contract (licensing agreement), disclosure document, and in some cases, testimonial letters, videocassettes and reference lists.

For your investment of $2,000 to $8,000, a promoter will promise soft software, training and technical support.  And the company will encourage you to call its references. Make sure you get many names from which to chose. If only one or two names are given, they may be “shills” — people hired to give favorable testimonials. It’s best to interview people in person, preferably where the business operates, to reduce your risk of being mislead by shills and also to get a better sense of how the business works.

Few consumers who purchase a medical billing business opportunity are able to find clients, start a business and generate revenues — let alone recover their investment and earn a substantial income. 

For more information go to:

October 23, 2009


Congratulations to ETI Graduate, Jamie Orban on passing the National Medical Insurance and Coding Specialist Exam.

Suppose you are looking for a new job and the interviewer says, "I have interviewed five applicants who tell me they are qualified and competent; why should I choose you?" How would you respond? How would your answer set you apart from the other four applicants? In other words, what documentation would show that you are qualified to do the job for which you are applying?

You could answer like Jamie, "My competency was certified by exam through a nationally recognized credentialing agency, and I will maintain proof of my ongoing competency by participating in continuing education and proficiency testing activities."

By voluntarily becoming certified, and by maintaining your competency year after year, you present a unique snapshot of yourself as a professional that practitioners without certification and continuing education can not present.

Join Jamie and call to schedule you National Insurance and Coding Specialist Exam today. 724-836-2395 x279.

October 5, 2009

Comment From ~ John Munsch, Senior, Greensburg-Salem High School


Please join Greensburg-Salem student, John Munsch, complete his senior project, "Pink Out 2009".

Wear pink to the Friday, October 16th, Greensburg-Salem vs. Southmoreland football game to show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

"Pink Out 2009" T-shirts will be available for sale at the game. The cost of the shirts will be $8 with $3 going toward the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation. Donation buckets and other promotional items will also be available.

"Pink Out 2009" is being held in memory of former Greensburg-Salem student Rachel Parker and her mother Lynda. Lynda unfortunately lost her battle with breast cancer 2 days before Rachel graduated, with honors, in 2009. Rachel was subsequently killed in a car wreck 3 weeks later.

October 2, 2009


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Join millions of women who get mammograms on a regular basis. More and more women are getting mammograms to dected breast cancer in its earliest stages. As a result, breast cancer deaths are on the decline.

In recognition of the fact that mammography is the best available method of detecting breast changes that may be cancer, long before physical symptoms can be seen or felt, and that breast cancer deaths could decline further if all women age 40 and older receive mammograms at regular intervals, we the Education and Technology Instutute, urge all women and their families living in Westmoreland County to get the facts about mamography.



Computerized Office Technology - October 5, 2009


Medical Coding and Billing - September 28, 2009

Computerized Office Technology - September 28, 2009

September 3, 2009

August 13, 2009


Tuesday, August 18, 2009
10:30 AM
Ray Greene Computer Lab

Call 724-836-2395 x281 to reserve a spot

Education and Technology Institute
219 Donohoe Road
Greensburg, PA 15601

August 3, 2009


July 15, 2009

Comment from ~ 100 Best Websites for Free Adult Education

Whether you want to go back to get your GED or simply want to gain additional skills to use on the job, it's never too late to pursue the great variety of adult educational resources out there. Here are 100 great adult education websites and resources we've pulled together to help you get the information you need for personal or professional development.

July 13, 2009


TIE Newsletter ~ Issue 4 ~ Spring 2009
Written By: Kathy Russell

Educating adults differs from educating children in several ways. One difference is adults have accumulated knowledge and experience that can add to or hinder the learning experience. Another difference is with most adults, education is voluntary; as a result students can be more motivated.


· Your diploma will help you get a better job or promotion.


· Choose the right option, your journey will be more efficient and economical. Know what’s involved in getting what you want.


· Manage your stressors to have time to do your work, enjoy your family, and live life.


· Is the school available to you? Consider what you want to achieve, then find out the process.


· Remember adults learn differently, you need people in your life who will be your cheerleaders or help with child care.

Finishing school will be up to you! You don’t have to do it alone!