June 24, 2009


TIE Newsletter ~ Issue l ~ December 2007
Written By: Beverly Walters, Debra Sonner, and Lynn Roberts

Successful people seem to have it altogether...don't they? I mean they have the look of confidence. Well, here is a tip that I learned a long time ago . . . they don't always know it all, "They fake it until they make it." You can look the part until you know the part. So look your best. Take a few minutes to look at yourself in a mirror before you go out. Ask yourself, "Is this how I want other people to see me?" We all have those days that we just don't look and feel well, but if you look sick every day of the year you need to address that NOW ! ! !

I'm not saying to go out and spend your life savings to look the part. What I'm saying is to dress in clothes that fit and are well kept. Some things are just NOT appropriate for the office or the mall. If you find two pair of pants, black and brown, a skirt and a jacket to match the pants, by adding a few different shirts you can build a wardrobe for anyplace. Just make sure it fits you and your environment. Don't look at the size, look in the mirror. Try to find a style that is not going to be dated and, a cotton blend seems to hold up the best. Don't go the "dry clean only" route when you start out building your wardrobe; this could be quite costly to have cleaned.

When looking for something new to wear to the office, keep this in mind: Not Too Tight, Not Too Loose, Classic Style, Cotton Blend, Matching Skirt, Pants, and Jacket.


TIE Newsletter ~ Issue l ~ December 2007
Written By: Beverly Walters, Debra Sonner, and Lynn Roberts

There is a lot to be said about time management. We all do it, some more effective and some not so well. Sometimes we all feel that there is just not enough time in the day. Well there is if you manage your time properly. You should first write down what you must accomplish that day. Then you determine the amount of time each task will take. For instance, you could practice your typing while waiting for a load of clothes to be done; or you could study while you are waiting for the potatoes to boil. Multi-tasking is the term that is heard frequently in today's workforce. Making a list of tasks, is a very good habit to help manage your time. If you know that you must complete many things in a given time, this helps. As the task is completed, you cross it off and begin another one.

Try to be realistic with the amount of time that you allow for each task, you don't want to have five minutes for a fifteen minute drive or plan a doctor visit and an important interview within five minutes of each other. So think about the day, plan it out, and make a list.


How are you coping with life's demands?
Introducing TIE . . . Teach, Inform, and Educate


We are ETI STUDENTS, wives, husbands, parents, and singles...people just like you! We are here to help you to balance life's demands and cope with today's fast paced world. We firmly believe that you can do it. You can make a difference in your life, in the places that you go, in the people that you meet. ALL YOU NEED IS THE RIGHT TIE!


Tips, recipes, helpful hints, job search information, web sites, and much more will be within your reach. We will have a quarterly newsletter especially for students. You will now have access to see how other students cope and how to be a success. If you are given the proper instruction, encouragement, and training, you can change, mold and even rearrange your life as well as the people around you.

(This was an excerpt from the brochure introducing the first TIE Newsletter in December 2007.)