November 16, 2009


     Magic 8 Ball

Ask anyone who has been on his or her own for a few years—“Have you ever regretted any decisions you’ve ever made in your life?”  Most likely, you’ll get a big chuckle and a resounding, ”Yes!”.

     Everyone has made “dumb decisions” in their life.  Some don’t result in much consequence.  Others have a major and lasting impact on their lives—they can cause pain for years, or even decades to come. 

     We want you to avoid making these “dumb decisions” and make all the right choices for your life so you can accomplish and become all you want.

     The process we’re about to describe sounds pretty easy on the surface.  It’s incorporating it into your everyday life and never wavering from it that’s the difficult part—but it can be done!


1.  The first step toward making all the “right” decisions is to set goals for yourself—short-, mid-, and long-term goals for your career finances, relationships, even physical and spiritual health.

     You will write down all your goals.  Put them on 3” x 5” cards or some other handy-sized paper because you will be referring to them often.

     You may want to make two copies:  one to keep with you at all times (in your wallet or purse) and another set to hang up where you can readily see them (like on a bulletin board or beside your bathroom mirror so you are forced to review them every day).


2.  Once you have your goals for yourself written down, you will need to refer to them every time you are faced with a decision—choosing a career, finding a job, deciding where to live, which big purchases you can make (car, furniture, wardrobe), whether to change jobs or marry, whether or not to relocate to a new part of the country, and so on and so on and so on . . .

     When faced with one of these decisions, don’t panic and don’t feel that you need to make an immediate decision.  Spur-of-the-moment decisions are usually the worst, and you can end up paying for them for a long, long time.

3.  Sit down with a pad of paper and your list of goals (short-, mid-, and long-term ones).  On a sheet of paper, write the costs of each alternative to the decision.  Costs include more than money—opportunity costs come into play with every decision.  An opportunity cost is a lost opportunity because you have chosen to do something else.  For instance, if you only have $5 and you decide to spend it on fast food, an opportunity cost could be that you will not be able buy the loaf of bread, peanut butter or jelly that you need to make next weeks lunches for the kids.  Or if you take one job, you can’t take another.

4.  Try to determine what the consequences of each alternative might be.  In some rare circumstances you may find that a choice which does not fit in with your goals must be made because the consequences of making a different choice are too great to bear.  This is not likely to happen to you often—maybe never—so don’t let it worry you when weighing your important decisions.

5.  Next, write down the pros and cons of the decision.  For instance, what are the positive results that you are likely to experience if you decide to take a particular job or move to another state.  What is the downside to each alternative.

6.  Weigh each of these pros and cons.  If the positive aspects of the decision are in areas that are much more important to you (such as enjoying the work you do) than the downside elements (such as odd work hours), then the table is tilting toward making a positive decision.  But you’re not finished yet!

7.  Now you must look at your goals and determine if this opportunity or decision will get you closer to any of them.  If taking a job offer in computer sales will get you closer to your goal of someday managing a software development team, then great.  If it doesn’t, you will be holding yourself back from accomplishing that career goal if you take the sales job.  

     The same holds true for every decision you have to make—whether it has to do with your career, finances, or personal life.  Look at where your choice fits in with your goals.  If your decision won’t get you closer to any of your goals, it will be a waste of your time, energy, perhaps money to pursue it.  The decision will probably prevent you from accomplishing what you have set your heart on.

     If you use this method to make every decision you face, you will be far ahead of your peers in accomplishing what you want.

     As much as each of us would like to think that if we approach decisions making properly, we would make all the “right” decisions all of the time; this is not true.  You probably won’t sail through life with “no regrets at all”.  Often there are costs, consequences, or other alternatives that we are not aware of when we make our decisions.  That is the reason why some time and effort should be put in to determine the costs, consequences, and other alternatives.  Just going by a “gut feeling” will get you in trouble more times than not.

(This information came from the “Dose of Reality” series.)

November 10, 2009


clock      We all have the same number of hours each day to get things done, but it seems that some people are so much more productive than others are.  It’s all a matter of setting priorities, being disciplined, and keeping organized.

     There are two things that are absolutely essential for successful time management (which means accomplishing everything you want to do).  They are goals and a tool.



     If you do not have goals, you do not know where you are headed in life (or your career), so it is virtually impossible to successfully manage your time and accomplish what you want.  So the first step is to determine what you want out of life (career, finances, lifestyle, etc.)



     As tools go, we recommend that you get a Day Planner.  It is the calendar / scheduling book that thousands of business people use – it comes in a variety of sizes and page formats to fit your individual style. Once you get used to using a Day Planner, your won’t know you lived without one!

     Other calendar / organizer books are available at office supply, luggage and department stores.  Take the time to look at them all and choose one that you can work with comfortably. 



     The first thing to do when you decide that’s it’s time to start managing your day better, is to record everything you do (and for how long) for an entire week.  It’s a tedious task, but will be well worth the effort. 

     Record the time you get up in the morning, how long you spend in the shower, eating breakfast, reading the paper, getting dressed, and so on throughout your day, including time spent on commuting, talking on the telephone with friends, reading magazines (note whether they were career or for entertainment), and watching television.



     At the end of that week, look over your activity log.  Most people are quite surprised when they add up how much time they spent on the phone, in front of the television or preparing for work in the morning.  These are the easiest places to cut out wasted time and should be the first that you tackle.

     Before you do tackle your time wasters, though, add up the amount of time spent on activities that help put you closer to any one of your goals (career, personal, or financial).  If it’s less than 50% of your waking hours, you have a lot of adjusting to do. 



     Now, begin adjusting your use of time to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself.  At the beginning of each week, write down the major tasks (not each nitty-gritty detail) that you want to accomplish during the coming week. List them in priority order, most important at the top.



     Things that fit either of these criteria: directly relate to accomplishing one of you top priority life or career goals; or, if not done, will result in a loss of a job, future career opportunities, or financial status (small amounts of financial loss are OK; it’s when something can cause you to miss loan or rent payments that you should worry).

     Most people end up not accomplishing their goals because they spend too much of their time completing seemingly “urgent” tasks which are not really important.  Don’t confuse urgency with importance.  Some important tasks will also be urgent—by all means, do those first.  But if a task seems urgent, but does not fit the definition of important, it can probably be left undone temporarily (or sometimes permanently) and you won’t suffer any consequences.  If you can master this distinction, you’re on your way to accomplish whatever you set out to do with your life because you’ll be making every minute count.



     Normally the first activity to accommodate more important things is television watching.  Even if particular shows will help you accomplish your goals, chances are you have a VCR and can record the show for viewing at a more convenient time (and in less time).



     The next thing most people adjust is their sleeping schedule.  Most of us can do quite well on less sleep than we are currently getting.  Don’t try to make a sudden change, or you’ll doom yourself to failure in this area.

     Try to get up 15 minutes earlier for a few days, then 30 minutes.  Adjust your bedtime the same way until you come up with a schedule you can live with and which provides you more productive, waking time to accomplish your goals.  Many people find that housework and laundry are perfect tasks for the early morning –getting them “out of the way” when little brainpower is available.



     Save time, also by being efficient.  Bunch your driving-around errands all into one trip, and don’t go during rush hour traffic.  Any time you find yourself with even a few minutes on your hands, fill the time with reviewing your goals and determining what you can do now to move closer to them.

(This information came from the “Dose of Reality” series.)

November 6, 2009

Anonymous Said . . .

Congratulations goes to Jamie! 

As one of your medical coding billing instructors I knew YOU could do it! Keep up the good work!

Anoymous Said . . .

Congratulations Jamie!!!!

-From MCB Term 1's