April 21, 2010


If you're busier than you like to be, but feeling less  productive, then read on.

I have a question for you? How busy are you these days? Now, here's another question: How productive are you? As most of us know, the two just aren't the same. All too often, being busy may have nothing at all to do with the results we get and what we achieve. SPIN

We spend our days, often very long days, in a flurry of activity. But, when the day or week is over, we're disappointed at the level of our accomplishment. Our disappointment creates stress and we push ourselves even harder to "get more done." But pushing hard isn't the answer.

What is? Well, in my experience, a sense of priorities based on a clear purpose and well-defined short- and long-term goals are what one needs. The world is full of individuals who are definitely in motion, but they're not exactly sure where they're going and they don't know why, either. Maybe they get going so fast that they never take the time to figure it out. If that is your situation, I strongly urge you to set aside some time for personal reflection, some personal values clarification and goal-setting.

There's nothing like a strong sense of purpose, based on clearly spelled out values, to keep you moving. But more than that, it keeps you moving in the right direction. Without it, you can climb the ladder of success all right, but when you get to the top, you may find that it's leaning against the wrong building!

Excerpts from - Best Practices Forums -> Winner's Circle with Lou Tice  - Monday, April 19, 2010