October 23, 2009


Congratulations to ETI Graduate, Jamie Orban on passing the National Medical Insurance and Coding Specialist Exam.

Suppose you are looking for a new job and the interviewer says, "I have interviewed five applicants who tell me they are qualified and competent; why should I choose you?" How would you respond? How would your answer set you apart from the other four applicants? In other words, what documentation would show that you are qualified to do the job for which you are applying?

You could answer like Jamie, "My competency was certified by exam through a nationally recognized credentialing agency, and I will maintain proof of my ongoing competency by participating in continuing education and proficiency testing activities."

By voluntarily becoming certified, and by maintaining your competency year after year, you present a unique snapshot of yourself as a professional that practitioners without certification and continuing education can not present.

Join Jamie and call to schedule you National Insurance and Coding Specialist Exam today. 724-836-2395 x279.


  1. Congratulations Jamie!!!!

    --From MCB Term 1s

  2. Congratulations goes to Jamie! As one of your medical coding billing instructors I knew YOU could do it! Keep up the good work!
