July 6, 2009


TIE Newsletter ~ Issue 1 ~ December 2007
Submitted By: Beverly Walters, Debra Sonner , And Lynn Roberts.

Here are some hints about how to approach different types of test questions. Get ready for good grades!

True/False questions require that you recognize a fact or idea, but they often check whether you understand it in exact detail. If any detail is false, the whole answer is false. TIP: Watch for words that suggest that anything happens in only one way: always and never. Questions that contain these words are usually false. Also pay attention to qualifying words such as all, most, usually, or rarely.

To avoid confusing yourself, try to answer the question first without looking at the options. Then read each option carefully. If you don’t recognize the correct choice right way, see whether you can eliminate at least one or two obviously incorrect choices. Then choose the best of the remaining of the two.

1 comment:

  1. Here is some additional information on Test Taking Strategies. It comes from Glendale Community College's web site.

