Today, we need to organize your “wants”. One tool you can use is a “Balance Wheel”. Draw a circle and then divide it into segments. The number of segments depends on the number of “wants” you came up with from my last blog. Label each section.
Next, starting from the center, with the number 1, run a gauge out to 10 at the outer circle. With each section decide how satisfied you are with that particular area of your life. Circle that number. This will give you a good idea of what areas of your life you might want to work on in order to have a well-balanced life.
Now, each of these sections can have a Balance Wheel of it’s own as you delve deeper into the different aspects of what you want in each area of your life.
You may already begin to notice that some areas of your life are not in too bad of shape while others need a lot of attention.
The next blog will take a look at creating balance in your approach to achieving your goals.
Excerpts from - Best Practices Forums -> Winner's Circle with Lou Tice - January 22,2010.
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