February 1, 2010


Here is one question VERY IMPORTANT that begins to surface for many of us as we find ourselves at the beginning of a new year or facing a major change in our life's path: “WHAT DO I WANT?”

If you follow your current direction, or continue to do what you have always done, where will you be in a year?  In five years?  In ten?  Is that where you really want to be?  BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF.

Some on once said that the best way to predict the future is to get a very clear idea of what is happening now.

Once you have honestly figured out where you are going, it’s time to decide if this is what you “want”.  Let’s face it, sometimes life gets in the way, and we loose contact with those things that we know will fulfill us.  I am not talking about material things hers, but letting loose of those talents and abilities that have been locked up inside us.  

So, when you have a few moments of quiet, let your mind “out for a walk” and spend some time thinkingveruca_salt about what it is that you REALLY WANT – want to have, want to be, want to do.  Put no restrictions on your musings, just let your mind wonder and WRITE DOWN what your are thinking about.  The next blog will talk about the process of discovering, “WHAT DO I WANT?”

Excerpts from - Best Practices Forums -> Winner's Circle with Lou Tice Success and Failure by Lou Tice - January 18, 2010

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